Monday, December 29, 2008

Some other Christmas stuff...

Toy-themed ornaments and a plush Christmas cat!

The Star Trek communicator:

A cat designed by Amy LaCombe:

I love her kitty figurines, ornaments, and pins.

A piece of my childhood- an ornament based on the original Pac-Man game. It lights up and plays the music and game sounds!

Two Madame Alexander ornaments from past Christmases. I didn't get this year's- if I see it on sale, I might still pick it up.

A minature "Little Souls" doll ornament. I used to sell these. They were an affordable alternative to the real dolls, which go for $300-$400 per doll! The little doll in the background is based on a Mary Englebreit drawing.

Finally, I think this is my favorite new ornament: Beauty and the Beast. It winds up, and the figures "dance" to the movie's title song. I love it!

This year, I was only interested in getting accessories for my new "toy"- my brand new laptop. But I did buy myself one Bratz doll, and I might use some Christmas gift money to buy a new dress for my Felicity doll! I still want to get some Doctor Who/Torchwood action figures...maybe for my birthday!

I didn't dress up my American Girls for Christmas like I usually do. I ran out of time. I did display Felicity and Elizabeth with the Spode tea set as usual, but that's it.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas toys!

My Madame Alexander dolls- the Holy Family. It was part of a large, elaborate Nativity set from 1997, but I only got around to buying these.

I have more Alexander Christmas dolls.

My big collection of Christmas Beanie Babies, Simpsons, and Boyds Bears. There's a Madeline doll in there, as well as a Christmas Dogbert from Dilbert!

My annual Jingle Beanie tree:

I stuck a Boyd's tree topper angel bear on top.

I have other Christmas toys that I haven't put out yet.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

And farewell to the Bratz, too!

Story here:

Mattel won their copyright infringement case. As soon as the holidays are over, all Bratz dolls will be removed from store shelves.

I always thought the dolls were sort of funny. I have a couple in my collection. I think I'll go out and buy a few more (while I still can) and hold on to them...